Neo Hup Hiang 梁学贤
Neo Hup Hiang studied at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, majoring in composition under Prof. Fan-Long Ko.
Since 2008, Hup Hiang has been commissioned by different performing groups, including Taipei Chamber Singers, Beat Percussion Group, Johor Bharu Chamber Choir, etc. He also participated in the Chin Yong Music Festival in 2012 and 2014, presenting Chinese songs for solo voice with piano and choral pieces. For SMCC Contemporary Music Festival ‘SoundBridge’ in 2013, he piece, “Whispering City”, was premiered in the ‘Malaysian Voice III’ concert. The art song, Clair de lune, was composed for the ‘Malaysian Mosaic Music’ project in 2014, both CD and score of which were published by the Malaysian Institute of Art.
He is currently a full-time lecturer at the Malaysian Institute of Art.
馬來西亞青年作曲家,曾於國⽴臺灣師範⼤學⾳樂學系完成學⼠與碩⼠學位,主修 理論作曲,師事柯芳隆教授。在求學期間,曾發表多⾸作品。 回國後,他仍活躍於作曲活動。在2008年受臺北室內合唱團之委託,創作三⾸合唱 曲,並於臺北中山堂進⾏首演。 2012年,他曾受⾺來西亞多個單位邀約創作並發表,其中包括為「擊動」打擊樂團 所寫的 Finale (給三位擊樂手);在《陳容⾳樂節》中發表的四⾸首藝術歌曲;特 別為新山室內合唱團(JBCC)創作的合唱曲──《秋思》,亦在同年年底在柔佛州新 山演出。 2013年,其作品 Whispering City(為中低音長笛,中提琴與中阮),在馬來西亞現 代音樂協會(SMCC)主辦的現代音樂節「音橋」中⾸演。2014年7月4日,他再次參與《陳容⾳樂節》並為不同類型的合唱團寫作,發表三⾸ 新作。同年,在⾺來西亞藝術學院(MIA)的「音樂⾺賽克」創作計劃中,寫作一藝 術歌曲《⽉光》,并在⾳樂會中⾸演,樂譜和CD均有出版及發⾏。現任⾺來西亞藝術學院全職音樂講師。
Since 2008, Hup Hiang has been commissioned by different performing groups, including Taipei Chamber Singers, Beat Percussion Group, Johor Bharu Chamber Choir, etc. He also participated in the Chin Yong Music Festival in 2012 and 2014, presenting Chinese songs for solo voice with piano and choral pieces. For SMCC Contemporary Music Festival ‘SoundBridge’ in 2013, he piece, “Whispering City”, was premiered in the ‘Malaysian Voice III’ concert. The art song, Clair de lune, was composed for the ‘Malaysian Mosaic Music’ project in 2014, both CD and score of which were published by the Malaysian Institute of Art.
He is currently a full-time lecturer at the Malaysian Institute of Art.
馬來西亞青年作曲家,曾於國⽴臺灣師範⼤學⾳樂學系完成學⼠與碩⼠學位,主修 理論作曲,師事柯芳隆教授。在求學期間,曾發表多⾸作品。 回國後,他仍活躍於作曲活動。在2008年受臺北室內合唱團之委託,創作三⾸合唱 曲,並於臺北中山堂進⾏首演。 2012年,他曾受⾺來西亞多個單位邀約創作並發表,其中包括為「擊動」打擊樂團 所寫的 Finale (給三位擊樂手);在《陳容⾳樂節》中發表的四⾸首藝術歌曲;特 別為新山室內合唱團(JBCC)創作的合唱曲──《秋思》,亦在同年年底在柔佛州新 山演出。 2013年,其作品 Whispering City(為中低音長笛,中提琴與中阮),在馬來西亞現 代音樂協會(SMCC)主辦的現代音樂節「音橋」中⾸演。2014年7月4日,他再次參與《陳容⾳樂節》並為不同類型的合唱團寫作,發表三⾸ 新作。同年,在⾺來西亞藝術學院(MIA)的「音樂⾺賽克」創作計劃中,寫作一藝 術歌曲《⽉光》,并在⾳樂會中⾸演,樂譜和CD均有出版及發⾏。現任⾺來西亞藝術學院全職音樂講師。